Content Builder
Build site content using custom blocks: Images, videos, text, headings, quotes, social media posts and more.
Email Campaign Builder
Ability to select from site content to build and send email campaigns to targeted mailing lists. Move content blocks around using drag and drop and add custom blocks.
PDF Builder
Ability to rapidly create custom PDFs using the content you've already uploaded to the site. Customised branding and layout with Live Preview. Save to PDF and send.
Display reviews from Google, Facebook, Trip Advisor and more. Reviews show a star rating and feature in Google search result pages (SERPS).
Custom Google Map
Displays a customised Google Map with brand colours, address, brand icon, with custom scale and controls.
Manage multiple brands, and multiple sites, with multiple domains on one platform, with one login (or many, with detailed permissions if you have a team). Allow content to be site-specific, or share it across multiple sites. For growing businesses, or a franchise, it's a whole new world of opportunities.