Custom Rugs
Order custom size rugs online.
Dealer Accounts
Wholesale prices, logins, projects and campaigns.
Trade Accounts
Trade prices, logins, projects and campaigns.
Save rugs to a multiple projects, email and create PDFs.
PDF Tear Sheets
Dynamically create PDF tear sheets with current product information.
Automatic currency switching (with blocked countries to protect Dealer network).
Custom Content Structure
We define how your content should be structured to make most sense for how you will add it. All neatly organised.
Content Builder
Build site content using custom blocks: Images, videos, text, headings, quotes, social media posts and more.
Live Preview
See what you're doing using a side-by-side view of the admin and website. View how the content looks on all devices: Desktop, tablet and mobile.
Email Campaign Builder
Ability to select from site content to build and send email campaigns to targeted mailing lists. Move content blocks around using drag and drop and add custom blocks.
PDF Builder
Ability to rapidly create custom PDFs using the content you've already uploaded to the site. Customised branding and layout with Live Preview. Save to PDF and send.